Within and surrounding our bodies is a field of energy. As we go about our everyday lives, this energy body is constantly reflecting, absorbing deflecting and projecting the energy of everything around us. Parts of the energy field can become weak, blocked, vibrant, sticky or smooth as a result of this. Energy Healing intends to rebalance the body’s seven main chakras, clear blockages, re-align and re-energise the whole energy body. Our practitioners may connect to universal energy, spirit helpers, angels and Mother Earth to facilitate an Energy Healing. Crystals and sound may also be used.

From 60 mins to 120 mins
From £70.00
Courses of sessions available


Discover how your present patterns of energy flow may be affecting potential future events and what can be addressed in order to change or enhance the circumstances.  The cards may reveal unknown blocks and indicate what needs to be released or achieved in order to reach balance and success. 
60 mins £55.00


Using an ancient meso-American technique, a limpias or egg cleansing ritual balances and clears the aura and the emotional and physical bodies of negative energies.

Clear what is not energetically necessary or vital to your own personal energy.

Leave feeling purified, inspired, relaxed and balanced.

30 mins

£40.00 (£20 special offer until end of May)


Prior to all Shamanic sessions, we provide a free 15 minute diagnostic consultation to gain guidance around what would be the most relevant healing for you.

This type of healing is led by Spirit and so it is necessary to enquire as to what is needed for you.

Services can include ancestral and past life healing, energy extraction and energy healing. For more information, please contact us on 07957 700835.

Prices from £75 for a two hour session


A ceremony that is powerful in moving stagnant, negative or heavy energy from the home, workplace or land and welcomes in loving,  flowing, positive and protective energy in its place.

Space clearing can be very helpful;

When moving into a new home

When selling or renting a property out

For resolving energetic issues such as ' paranormal' or

  unexplained happenings

After having a long term illness

During a major life transition

To bolster creativity and innovation

To invite new opportunities

And for the workplace, additionally, Space Clearing can assist with;

Enhancing visibility

Boosting workplace morale

Increasing innovation and creativity

Moving location

Times and prices vary
Please book a complementary consultation



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